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Why Give to the Y

Everyone knows the Y as a place to camp, swim, or exercise. Yet, the Y is so much more. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, we provide crucial programs and services to more than 230,000 people every year. With the help of generous donors, we are able to provide more than 250 homeless youth safe, stable housing, 115,000 healthy meals to school-age youth, and more than $9.5 million in financial assistance to more than 27,000 people to ensure everyone has a chance to succeed and belong at the Y.

Addressing Critical Local Needs


The Annual Campaign 

For nearly 76 years in the Worthington Area, the Y has been more than a fitness center - we are a cause dedicated to: Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility. 

Our Annual Campaign helps to make the YMCA accessible to everyone by providing financial assistance to more than 300 individuals who otherwise could not afford a membership.

Your generous financial gifts to the Annual Campaign will continue to strengthen Worthington Area and make the Y so much more through our great youth programs. In addition, those facing financial difficulties - regardless of circumstances - are provided with discrete financial assistance towards both membership and programs due to your gift.

Ready to learn more about how you can make a difference?  Contact our Annual Campaign Director at 507-376-6197 ext. 225 to learn more about how you can make a difference today!


The Worthington Area YMCA is recognized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.


Endowment Fund

Your commitment to help build a permanent endowment for the YMCA is the strongest statement of support to the mission of the Y that you could make and will preserve the future of the YMCA in our community for generations to come. Income from the Worthington Area YMCA Endowment Fund supports essential operations and programs at the YMCA each year and for generations to come. An endowment gift, given today or through your estate, is invested for both growth and income. 


There are many different ways that you can give to the Endowment Fund:


  • Outright Gift - donate cash, securities or personal property to the Worthington Area YMCA. This option will provide an income tax deduction and will allow you to avoid capital gains tax.  
  • Living Trust - make a revocable gift during your lifetime by naming us as beneficiary of assets in a living trust. This provides you with control of your trust for your lifetime and possible estate tax savings. 
  • Bequest in Will - defer your gift until after your lifetime by naming us in your will. This donation is exempt from federal estate taxes.
  • Life Insurance Gift - make a large gift with little cost to yourself by giving a policy to the Worthington Area YMCA as owner and beneficiary. This type of gift qualifies as an income tax deduction. 
  • Retirement Plan Gift - name the YMCA as beneficiary of the remainder of assets after your lifetime. This gift will help you avoid heavy taxed gifts to heirs. 
  • Retained Life Estate - designate the ownership of your home or farm to us but continue to retain occupancy. This gift is a charitable income tax deduction and still provides you with lifetime use of your home. 
  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust - create a charitable trust that pays you a set income annually. This type of gift qualifies as an immediate income tax deduction and provides a fixed income for life. 
  • Charitable Remainder Trust - create a trust that pays a percentage of the trustees' assets, valued annually. This type of gift also qualifies as an immediate income tax deduction and will provide annual income for life that has the potential to increase. 
  • Charitable Lead Trust - create a trust that pays a fixed or variable income to us for a set term, and then passes to heirs. This type of gift will reduce the size of your taxable estate, keeps property in the family and can reduce gift taxes. 


Ready to learn more about how you can make a difference?  Contact our Executive Director at 507.376.6197 to learn more about how you can make a difference today!


The Worthington Area YMCA is recognized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.